Not only are we on the eve of the eve of a New Year but also a new decade. But before we review that, let's get down to the business that was 2009.
This year was definitely one for the books. I made the decision to go back to graduate school to become a teacher. It had been a number of years since I had worked full-time and gone to school and never had I done it while in a CAREER and with GRADUATE LEVEL CLASSES. However, this year was the first year ever that I got STRAIGHT A's. Success. Along with staying focused on work with the most clients I have ever had. And remember that whole $271,000 worth of publicity I got for my client last year at this time, well managed to top that one, too with $290,000 in just two short months.
On the pop-culture front...I, along with the rest of the world, got totally caught up in vampires and desperately wanted one of my own. From Vampire Diaries (Paul Wesley = hottest thing ever) to True Blood (total girl-crush on Sookie) and attending the opening night of New Moon and SURVIVING. If you were there, you know that that is a SUCCESS all in itself. I saw the Comeback that-almost-never-was with Britney Spears front and center. Twice. I spoke my heart in an open-letter to Justin Timberlake which he has obv decided to ignore since it is almost 2010 and there is not even a mention of a third album. Although, I did appreciate those appearances on SNL, JT, so thank you for that. I was on the TODAY Show for a hot two seconds and only two degrees from Lauer.
I fell in love a lot this year. I dated a lot this year. I broke hearts and had my own heart broken a few times, as well. From ending the season of the Bear - and unfortunately, losing a dear friend in the process - to Life at 25 MPH with Chad to SBC - the Fantasy (serving me Mocha Frap Lights in bed) vs. the Reality (having me split the bill with him at BW3's on 60 cent wing night) to being HOT FOR TEACHER - Daniel, my star - in one of my graduate courses - to closure with SuperChump after a run-in at The Griffin and realizing that leaving him really was the best decision I've ever made to nicest-ever Cy, Cy the Camera Guy to Piano Man - who brought a new appreciation of music to my life and was somehow able to jump-start my heart again after a year of dating hell - to ending the year learning that CRAZY comes in all different shapes and sizes.
I also fell HARD for eight other men. Four from Nashville that make up a little band called The Kings of Leon who I almost chased half-way around the country convinced that my future last name was set to be Followill and four from Paris, France - Phoenix. The latter one is a new crush and I am crushing hard. The first time I heard Wolfgang Amadeus everything else was drowned out and I was instantly in love. I can't remember an album that made me feel the way this one does since I was first introduced to the Postal Service way back in '03.
And I fell REAL HARD for a little place called Don't Tell Mama which has become not only the place where everybody knows my name but also my home away from home over this past year. It was the place we went the night of MJ's death, the place where we celebrated 26 years of yours truly, the place where a friend from high school (Miss Anika Jones) became so much more than that - a best friend for life - and a place where wounds were set and wounds were healed - with a whole lot of singing going on in between.
Sir Gordon Snacks A Lot became a teenager. From eating his way out of his crate to eating the heel of my favorite black shoes to bad hair cuts to trips to being named DAILY PUPPY to graduating from Puppy School - he has grown into a lovely, (pretty)-well behaved boy who is my number one companion and who I love with all of my heart.
Travels. A much needed solo trip to Costa Mesa in February brought good thrift store shopping, lots of laughs and a therapeutic walk down the beach. March brought a family reunion in Colorado where I was with my nearest and dearest for a whole week and don't worry, the arm has healed and the moments that I have from that trip were totally worth the fall. In May I was back in Colorado for my first concert at Red Rocks and a few days with my besties and a cou who is more like a bro. June brought a week of LIFE'S A BEACH with the Vier/Westlake wedding in Florida. For an entire week, we didn't wear shoes, just laid in the sun, searched for seashells and drank a whole lotta cocktails. In August, three generations came together for a weekend of catching up as my mother and I went to Pittsburgh to visit Beppee (aka my grandmother). Then mid-October, Lauren and I packed our bags and headed South on the 15 to visit Lisa G. Juice it Up! A full day on the beach and some quality time with 3 out of the 4 always makes for a good time. December has been a busy one, starting with the annual Disneyland trip - to the east coast for Christmas to OMG I'm back for 72 hours and am leaving tonight on a jet plane for New Year's in Denver.
Short notes. Girl's Nights. Babysitting gigs. A mustache weekend. $1 Beer Nights at the 51's. First ever Cubs game. Birthday parties. I got (and rocked) a Snuggie. Saturday Night Shenanigans. Obsessing over orchids. Rollerskating with Gordie. Sienna turned 4. Goodbye to the Bug and hello to the Jeep. Perfected the art of the PB&J. The Zappos party that almost killed me. Attended my first UNLV Football game. Crowned Queen at SK+G's 80's Prom. Ruler of the Wild Things for Halloween. Surprise weddings. Two pregnancies (not mine). And of course....lots and lots of cheese.
I wish you and yours all the best this New Year - be safe, be happy and know that HSCOOC will be toasting her bubbly to each and every one of you at midnight.
And now...2010....