2008 was full of lessons in heartbreak. Career wise, very successful. I got promoted to Account Executive in June. Responsibility wise, very successful as well. I got my very own place, decorated it my own way and brought home my very own puppy, Sir Gordon Snacks a Lot. I got a Mac Book for Christmas. Oh which reminds me, (my apologies for being so rude, I've been really putting a lot of thought into this blog entry...)I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and before I forget, allow me to wish you a very safe and Happy New Year.
Ok, now where were we...oh yes, the successes of the year. Mexico, building that house was a big success. My 25th Birthday was the best yet to date. Jay-Z concert, I would consider that a success. My first big event at work, bringing in $271,000 worth of publicity in two months, major success. Gossip Girl, just because I love it so much, I will consider it a success. Winning 80's Prom Queen at Renee's birthday party, an evening to be remembered, for sure. Running in the Race for the Cure, better than I thought I was going to do. Thumbs up. I tapped into my creative side, liked it. Spent lots of time at the beach, which HAS to be considered a great part of the year. Becoming a proud owner of plants, shall we say....developing my green thumb. All plants are alive, check check check. Being in the LA Times (even if the photo looks like I'm about to throw up), that's not a thing people get to really achieve in their lifetimes. Oh, yes, speaking of achieving...the weave. Lived through that.
Obama, although I can't take all the credit for that one.
I tried SO many new foods this year. Seriously, that was my New Year's resolution for 2008 and I totally succeeded at that. Pretty good over all. Now I don't even want to get to the not-so-much-successes part but it must be done, I suppose.
I'm not sure if I've ever addressed this but I broke up with my boyfriend of a year and a half back in September. I know, a shocker, right? It rocked my world, too. Now at this moment, I would love to talk about how there are no hard feelings and we are still friends and so on and so forth, which was the case until some information recently...let's say...presented itself. I thought that guy and I would be "boobies" for life. But I recently had a meeting with the Boobie board (that would be Miss Sienna Miller, Sir Gordon and myself), and we decided that he needed to be stripped off his membership because Boobies don't cheat, especially not on other Boobies. It turns out, he just wasn't the person I thought he was. Which really is a damn shame, because I thought he was pretty fantastic. But no regrets, right? Regrets are only mistakes we don't learn from. I learned from this. The lesson? If he does it with you, he'll do it to you. Without a doubt.
But as we like to say, everything happens for a reason, right? And people in your life are seasons. And I got to revisit a season after my break-up. The season of The Bear. It's incredibly refreshing to be with someone that I trust whole-heartedly. For the past few months, I'd been trying to figure out what exactly it was about Bear that made it feel so different. It came to me the other day, it's this certain calmness that I have never experienced in my love life before. I'm liking it, and no worries, I'll be sure to keep you updated ;)
So there it is, my dears. My first Year in Review.
Can I add this blog to my list of successes? I think so.
To 2009, cheers!