Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shots of Cheese : Twenty - five : Holiday Puppuccino

I'm a crazy person about Starbuck's Caramel Brulee Lattes so when Lora asked me if I wanted to grab a mid-morning pick-up for the office, I happily obliged knowing that my favorite holiday drink was a just a few sips away.

Gordon went with me down to 16th St. and as I was waiting for my drinks to come up, I turned to see him sitting patiently on the patio, staring hard in to the window to see where I was.

As my heart filled with warmth, I thought that good boy deserves a Puppuccino - which he was rewarded with upon our return to the office.

Holiday Puppuccino 
Taken at Scream Agency 
Captured on November 29, 2011

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