First off, you should know that Sunday was a really weird weather day in Vegas. ABNORMAL I think is what they call it. About 60 degrees (aka cold), overcast and RAINY. But we were bound and determined to get the most out of our adventure.
We made lots of friends over at the Petting Zoo, including Rocky. Everyone, meet Rocky...who may have been a little hungry when he tried to bite my fingers off...

But Buckley, sweet sweet Buckley has my heart...

Those eyes, that tooth! He stole the show. That was until Payton got picked to be the judge in the 'Hanging' during theater time. When they were looking for volunteers, I shot my hand right up in the air and poor Payton had to be sitting next to the girl who was too excited and got picked. He was a good sport though and really owned the role.
The other highlights of the day included the shooting gallery, being tricked by the Indian artist, Big Red, and of course, the beers.

So looks like we'll have to take another trip back to catch the train and check in on our newly made friends. If you have never experienced Bonnie Springs, I HIGHLY recommend it. And you'll probably run into us there since it's our new favorite spot. And more than likely, we'll be in costume.