As previously noted, Vegas actually experienced some weather this week. The air feels crisp and clean and the sky continues to change brilliantly on an hourly basis. Here is a shot from this morning on my drive to Sbux/work. It looks just heavenly.
Born in York, PA (home of the York Peppermint Patty.) I work in PR. I'm going to spend my tax return and rebate on a laptop and a puppy. I eat too much candy. You can always get me to forgive you by taking me to Mimi's Cafe and getting me the 5-Way Grilled Cheese. It may as way be called The "5-ways to Get Katie to Love You" Sandwich. Sienna Miller doesn't poop in her litter box. I was attacked by bees at age 9. I miss my dog Flap. I like to take naps on a beach and want to grow up to do just that. I just got a passport and can't wait to put my first stamp on it. I go to the movies every weekend. I like to snowboard but hate the cold. I love the Hard Rock. And Big Buck Hunter.
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