Much to my (pleasent) surprise, I was told by my date on Monday that we would be heading to Aqua Golf for our Tuesday night outing. You mean the place where the driving range is located over a giant lake and you just hit balls in to the water?!? Once he confirmed, that yes, that was indeed the idea of Aqua Golf - I think my response was something along the lines of....
I'd been to a driving range once before - and I'm pretty sure that once before was some time in high school. Now my put-put skills are pretty much on lock but um actual golfing skills - eh, not so much.
As my date was trying to show me that there was a tab bit more to golf than just swinging at the ball and trying to hit it as far as possible - I started to think that Old Fashioned (or two) I'd had over dinner may have not been the best idea. I could not remember to not swing my arms or my hips, letting my upper body do the work all while keeping my left foot firmly on the ground.
Luckily, I had a very patient teacher and eventually - about 100 balls and likely 132 swings in (I may have missed the mark a few times)- I got the hang of it**.
*Kind of. *And am still so incredibly sore two days later.
Watch out, Tiger. Or maybe this means I can finally play in JT's Shriners Open. Hey, a girl can dream.
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