So as Game Day greeted us with another snow day, Linz and I headed across the mountain to pick up Michael and some necessary supplies. Josh was in charge of snacks and beer. We were in charge of face paint. And as expected, that ended up being the highlight of the party, as the photos show.
Josh and myself had an intense bet riding on the outcome of the game and I now owe him $3.50. The drinking games consisted of having to finish your beer if the enemy scored a touchdown, one drink for car commercials (a lot of those), two drinks for beer commercials. Guess what the commercial is about before given away, you get to order a friend to take x amount of drinks. As you can imagine, the face painting continued to get a little more creative throughout the game/night. My personal favorite ended up being Josh in the mouse ears.
The official after party consisted of more game playing with Smart Ass and Cranium on the table. And, of course, some friendly competition.
We're still enjoying the memories of Sunday as the paint was not as "washable" as the box claimed it to be so I got to go to the gym yesterday with a faint pink heart on my cheek.
The party was so much fun, we have decided to make GAME FACE a tradition. Although I can imagine that another face painting party is just around the corner....
Any design suggestions?


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