Things that changed:
Her haircut (very cute, btw)
Now can do the chicken dance
Says 'dada' non-stop
Likes to try to open doors
She is moving to the "big girl room" in daycare next week
Things that have not changed:
Here you see, she is actually trying to STAB ME WITH A PLASTIC FORK...
I actually have photos of her tray from this two-hour (on and off that is) feeding FIASCO but it might make you throw up a bit because it looks like a WAR ZONE.
But no worries, we made up in no time. This gossip session consisted of: TWILIGHT. Apparently, she has been hearing about all the buzz building over the New Moon trailer and how CONVENIENT that I just happened to have the book with me.

Now, I know what you are thinking..."isn't she a little young, Katie, to be reading about vampires and werewolves??" First off, people, IT'S A LOVE STORY and second, it's better than what her mom has her reading...check out the shopping cart.

Also, if you're interested in hiring this AWESOME sitter, my rates are as follows:
$10/hour basic
+$25.60 for each meal
+9.00 for every additional minute over the initial 30 minute mealtime
Wow, according to the posted rates, we really underpaid you. You should add in $30 for every 30 minutes of temper tantrums too.
Can you babysit Jake?
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