Watch out Vegas, we're back.
The three of us (that would be myself, Double L and Eener and years ago a few more, before people started running off and getting married) used to be regulars down on the Las Vegas Strip. No joke, several of my friends referred to me as "Club Monster Katie". Most of the time, I don't miss rolling in at 4 a.m. smelling like a nightclub. The crowds, the drinks spilt on your new shirt, the sleazy men who think that humping you from behind is dancing, the $16 sugar-free Red Bulls...but every once in awhile, we'll get an itch, an itch to re-live what used to be a normal weekend for us.
So a few weeks ago, we picked this date as an Official Girl's Night Out. (I remember when it used to be 11 p.m. on a Saturday and we'd decide to hit the club and now we need three weeks notice!) In preperation of this evening, I picked up the current issue of Las Vegas Weekly a few minutes ago and WOW, there I found a complete GUIDE on what to do and who is offering what to local ladies. There are 36 possibilities on this list if you include the gay clubs (which we do). It's a bit overwhelming.
So we're starting with a step one with the girls arriving at my place at 7:30 for pre-dinner cocktails. Needless to say, the next post should be an interesting one.
Oh and don't be surprised if I call you at 2 a.m. for a ride home :)
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