That's right. Katie Knoch is once again employed.
I am the PR Account Executive at Scream Agency. A smaller creative agency, 15-years-old, located right downtown (Wazee and 15th to be exact). I work with 3 women, all whom I believe will be some of my closest friends I make here. I've got a great list of clients to work with - including a Kimpton run hotel in Aspen and the Lodo's - the bar that throws the biggest St. Patrick's Day party in Denver - Keggs and Eggs.
This was day 4.
I am loving every second of it though - I am so happy to be back in the daily grind. Not to mention that when I move in to my new place in two and a half weeks, I will be a short 2.8 mile bike ride to work.
I am living in Capitol Hill and working in Lodo - so I am here to tell you, babies, that sometimes when you choose chooses you back.
How awesome! Sounds like everything is falling into place! Congrats xoxox :)
So happy for you! It's all coming together brilliantly. Denver and Knochers were meant to be. ... Your "babies" can't wait to see the pics of your new apartment!
Every single day I think of you and my soul smiles. Denver needs you because you are the loveliest lovely. Yay! Congrats!
You guys are the best and the major reason I miss Vegas as much as I do. I am lucky to have you all in my corner - even if it's a few states away. <3
Congrats to you my little Hamster. We all knew you could do it and do it you did! You are a rock star and I look forward to seeing more wonderful posts like this!
So very happy for you, even if thmeans missing you WAY too much!
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