My apologies for the re-cap of the Jay-Z concert but I was having difficulty uploading images this week. And how could I possibly tell this story without photos?
Now, friends, I want you to keep in mind that these photographs were taken with my iPhone which has no zoom we were just THAT close. One of my favorite parts about this whole experience is getting the tickets, not looking at where we are seated and then getting into the show and having the usher say, "keep going, yep, all the way down." Well where we were seated for this show, we had to get WRISTBANDS. Oh yeah, so official. Maybe that was because we were seated next to RUN'S HOUSE! Seriously, Rev Run and his girls (no Russy, unfortunately) were right next to his. In fact, his giganto security guard was sitting on my $22 Forever 21 dress for 30 seconds before I offered to move over. Floyd Mayweather was seated in front of us and his posse never even got on their feet once for this high energy show.
The couple seated in front of us (next to Jermaine Jackson) were asking us who we were there to see (to give credit, Mary J put on an amazing show as well. That girl puts so much into her performances, I swear I saw a tear run down her face during No More Drama) So yeah, I told them "Jay-Z" and she was like "Really girl?" and after going on and on about how much I love him I realized that could be kind of surprising, just based on appearances and all. See, that is why we should never judge a book by it's cover, kids. Even the whitest white girl around still loves to throw her roc sign in the air.
Enough about all that though....let's get to the goods, shall we? Highlight of the show? Um probably when he Jigga man rapped directly to me during 'Show Me What You Got'. He also taught Jenner how to two-step, speaking directly to us while on stage. I would imagine this is because we tend to stand out like a sore thumb. I'm sure Jay was like "Who the hell are these excited white kids dancing like fools next to Rev Run?" We were for sure, the most hyped out of anyone there.
For those of you that follow the gossip rags like myself, there was no ring on Hov's finger but I do believe he and B have tied the knot.
It was an unbelievable experience. That man is larger than life and yes, PY, his lips really ARE that big in person.