So, let this post mark my very first QUARTER POST! This isn't to say that I'm going to start posting only four times a year, I miss writing, but I was in need of a break. As my last post shared, 2013 was one helluva beating and I just needed to find my footing in 2014.
In January, I got to seal off the nightmare formally known as #19, now known as my gold tooth. I skied, embraced yoga, cheered on the Broncos in the playoffs, drank wine and celebrated Juanuary (before we knew better). I crafted with Pengs. And I told a man that I loved him and said goodbye to a friend of ten years, all in the same conversation.
February forced me to close my eyes during the Super Bowl. Dancing to Lord Huron, brunching, attending the Banff Film Fest in Boulder and shopping at Colorado's first Trader Joe's (cause, snacks) made up for what the Broncos could not. I traveled to NYC for more than 24 hours for the first time and checked something off this list (post to come, told you I wasn't giving up). In NYC I enjoyed a lovely Valentine's Day with my one and only PY and worked some PR magic at Toy Fair. For the day that I spent to myself in the city, I shopped, sat in an Italian cafe where I ate pizza, sipped on wine and read a book as the snow fell outside the cafe window (hello, perfect life moment) then got lost in the Met. It was a perfect afternoon. Two weeks later I was lucky enough to reunite with the Knochs for a weekend filled with laughs, skis, wine and games in Steamboat.
Finally, in March, I was able to catch my breath. I celebrated all the March babies (Andy, Suzy and Linz), experienced Monkey Town 4 with LJ, danced my ass off at our new favorite Friday night in Denver, ate my weights worth at Work + Class, went on some dates, learned that two Scorpion Bowls is two too many, drank Veuve (always worth mentioning), sang-a-long with Beyonce and skied.
April brings happy with a trip from Pep and Sam, Easter (a long-time HSCOOC favorite) and some neon nights with Suzy.
...and more blog posts :D